Skip the hassle of manually opting out!

Run your free scan to see which of the 80+ people search sites are selling your personal information. is a popular sales prospecting platform that many sales teams use to get cell phone numbers and direct emails for business decision-makers. If you have ever received a cold call or email from a company you never communicated with, this could be where their business development team found your information. 


Manual Opt Out of (2024)

Step 1 - Visit and complete the opt-out form in the picture below by entering your email and clicking "Click here to opt out of Apollo."  Apollo will use your email to search for any information they have on you and send you an email verification. opt out picture Step 2- should send you an email verification like the one below. You will want to click the hyperlink in the email to proceed with the verification to finalize the opt-out. removal verification

Step 3 - Within 5 minutes of completing the second step, you should receive an email confirming that they have removed your information from their offering. Even if they did not find any records for you in their offering, Apollo must keep an index of opt-outs to ensure this information isn't exposed in the future as they get new data feeds in.  In the data industry, this is called an opt-out table. 

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Frequently Asked Questions About

How does get my information?

Companies like aggregate data through various means. Often, business data is aggregated through scraping websites like LinkedIn and purchasing business data files from other data brokers. Some of these companies also have email delivery platforms that will scrape contact data from email signatures they see when sent through their platform. 

How does sell my information? is a sales prospecting platform that sales teams use to find contact information on business decision-makers they want to connect with. Apollo provides this access for a monthly subscription charge. The information that is accessible includes names, email addresses, cell phone numbers, and social profiles.