Skip the hassle of manually opting out!

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Manual Opt Out of (2024)

Smartbackgroundchecks is a free people search website that aggregates and provides free reports, including personal contact details such as phone numbers, emails, and home addresses. In this guide, we will walk you through how to remove your personal information from this website. 

Step 1: Begin your journey by visiting SmartBackgroundChecks' opt-out page. The URL for this page is You will be asked to enter your email, agree that you are authorized to remove the record, and solve the captcha to confirm you are not a bot and click "accept terms and start removal." Note: you will be brought to a secondary page where you will want to select search features to find your record. 

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Step 2: Next, you will need to search for your record. After clicking on the link "search features" mentioned in step number one and seen in the image above, you may be surprised as it will bring you to the home screen search box. But do not be concerned, as you are still opting out. Fill out the search fields with your first name, last name, city, and state. Once you've filled in the appropriate information, click the 'Search' button.

Smart Back Ground Checks Search

Step 3: You will be presented with a list of results that match the details you entered. Skim through the results until you find your record. This process might require some patience, especially if you have a common name.

Step 4: Once your record is located, click the "Request My Record To Be Removed" button next to your details. This will lead you to the next stage of the removal process.

Example Opt out for Smartbackgroundcheck

Step 5: You will be brought to a page confirming your opt-out request is in process. SmartBackgroundChecks will send a confirmation link to your email. Make sure it's an account you can access readily.

Step 6: Open your email and click on the confirmation link sent by SmartBackgroundChecks. It's important to act promptly, as the link will expire. 

Smart Background Check Optout

Step 7: Once you click on the blue button received in the email, you will be redirected to the page below, confirming that your removal request is in process. 

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Navigating the path of online privacy doesn't have to be arduous. By following this guide, you can ensure your personal information remains in your control. 

Additional resources:

  • Try our free scan to see how much of your personal information is exposed by data brokers, and people search networks with one search - Databroker Exposure Scan

Frequently Asked Questions About

How does get my information?

SmartBackgroundChecks is a free people search company aggregating data from multiple publicly available sources. In addition to this, many free people search websites also trade or purchase data from private data aggregators. 

How does sell my information?

Being a free people search website, Smartbackgroundchecks monetizes this data through their website from the ad revenue generated from their visitors.