Skip the hassle of manually opting out!

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Manual Opt Out of (2024)

Step 1. Visit  DataVeria and run a search for your record. 

Screen Shot 2023 06 07 at 9.08.06 AmStep 2. Find the record that matches your information and select the profile page to continue the opt-out process. 

Data Veria Profile Example for Opt out Guide

Dataveria Profile Example for Opt out URL Hidden

Step 3. Highlighted in the image above is a record profile. You will want to copy the URL in the browser before proceeding to step 4, completing the opt-out request. 

Step 4. In this step, we will fill out the opt-out form, which includes pasting the record URL, which we copied in step number 3. We have included a screenshot below. Once we complete this form, we will want to press submit. Another note is that you can always use a temporary email, not your email when filling out these opt-out requests. This provides an extra layer of protection. We recommend using TempMail

Dataveria Opt out Form

Step 5. You will receive an email asking you to verify your opt-out with a simple email click. 

Additional resources:

  • Try our free scan to see how much of your personal information is exposed by data brokers, and people search networks with one search - Databroker Exposure Scan

Frequently Asked Questions About Dataveria

How does Dataveria sell my information?

DataVeria is a free people search website that monetizes its traffic through ad partnerships with paid people search websites. 

How does Dataveria get my information?

Dataveria collects information from numerous sources, like many people search websites. These sources include web crawling publicly available information like property records, purchasing information, and trading with other data providers.